top of page - 'Sneaky' Australian Shepherd Dog and Golden Retriever Surprise Owner by Perching on Her Fridge


"They are best friends," owner Jaime Simpson says of the agile pair of dogs

Published on April 14, 2024 09:00AM EDT

Echo the Australian shepherd and Everest the golden retriever gave their owner a laugh when she caught them each perched in an unusual spot.

Everest had climbed onto the kitchen counter, and Echo was all the way up atop the refrigerator.

"Guys, I swear I cannot make this up," Jaime Simpson says in a TikTok video of the funny moment posted on March 29. She explains that she stepped on a dog treat upon entering her kitchen before looking up to see what the pair of canines had gotten into.

"Echo froze 'cause he knows he's not supposed to be doing that," she adds of the pooch, who's seen clutching a bag of dog treats. And Everest has "never been on the counter a day in his life," she points out, telling Echo, "I guess he just learned that from you."

Simpson tells PEOPLE she first caught Echo on the fridge about three months ago after she moved into their Jacksonville, Fla., home. 

Both Echo and Everest are Elite Performer Trick Dogs who've been taught how to climb, so they had no issue scaling the furniture.

Everest the golden retriever.  PHOTO: @EMBRACINGECHO/TIKTOK

"Echo is a high-drive, energetic dog who is very smart," says Simpson, who's been documenting the dogs' antics on the TikTok account @embracingecho. "I would describe him as a loophole dog because he can learn a lot of things, but he can use them to his own benefit sometimes."

She says Everest is Echo's "Velcro dog." "Echo loves Everest so much, and he learns a lot from him," she says.

When Simpson walked in on them, she says, "I was trying not to laugh too hard because I knew that they were capable of some funny things. I wasn't too incredibly shocked, but I was surprised that they were up there."

As for the dogs, she thinks Everest just wanted to keep eating "as many treats as he could" before she took them away, and Echo "turned into a statue," hoping not to be noticed.

Echo the Australian shepherd.  PHOTO: @EMBRACINGECHO/TIKTOK

"They are best friends," she says. "Echo's a little bit more independent and sneaky, but Everest is Echo's shadow and will do everything and anything he wants to do. Except cuddling, which is something Everest always wants to do. And Echo's just like, okay, here we go again."

Both canines are service dogs — Echo is a seizure alert response dog, and Everest is a cardiac alert response dog — and Simpson says they're "really good at their jobs."

Since the moment captured in the video, which has more than 15 million views, Echo and Everest have enjoyed more climbing adventures — and Simpson has taught them how to ascend more safely.

"Echo will totally try to jump from the floor to the fridge," she says. So I had to practice jumping from the counter to the fridge and then practice some things with Everest so that they work on how to do it safely with their bodies."

Many of the commenters on TikTok have even compared the agile pooches to felines.

"Everyone's saying I have two cats," she says. "I got some comments that were like, 'What breed of cat are they?'"

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