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Training - Doorbell Tips

Does your dog go nuts when the doorbell rings? Here, Craig explains how to begin to counter condition your dogs behavior.

To achieve this, we use a simple and firm "sit" command when the doorbell rings, and we use a high value treat as a reward to keep their focus on us when they do sit. Something high value is any treat that your dog would choose over another treat.

As simple as this sounds, repeatedly using this technique over time will bring your dogs energy way down during these scenarios, and they will inevitably be conditioned to sit when they hear the doorbell. As with any of the techniques for altering a dog's negative behaviors, repetition is the key to success. It is important to note that in order for this to work, we must make sure that everyone in the home understands the steps and follow through with making the dog sit every time there is a knock at the door. If you are only doing this some of the time, the dog will be confused and you will not get the results you are looking for. Be consistent!

You can use a friend, family member in the home or significant other to help you and take the time to set this situation up. Repeat this process numerous times during the practice. Then, repeat the process for as many days as you can until you see the change you are looking for. With patience and repetition, you absolutely will see a difference in the reaction you get from your pup when someone knocks on the door.

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